Is it right to cut wet wood with a Chainsaw? 7 easy steps!

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If you ever wonder, can I cut wet wood with a chainsaw, or is it bad to cut wet wood with a chainsaw? Then the answer is yes, you can, and it won’t damage your chainsaw. We will discuss briefly about it with some of the most frequently asked questions below.

Wet wood is not bad for your chainsaw moreover, wet wood cuts faster than dry wood because of the extra moisture that acts as a lubricant.

On the other hand, it produces less sawdust which helps for better visibility and control. But moist sawdust may stick to your blade resulting slower pace of the blade, so you have to clean the blade more often.

Chainsaw blades come in different varieties. But regular blades if enough for your wet wood cutting. You will see various commercials on blades that cut wet wood, but you don’t have to buy them and waste money.

But if you are cutting frozen wood, you may have to purchase the blades with semi-chisel teeth. Frozen woodcutting is quite different; we will talk about that in a particular article someday.


Safety measures to take

We have to take every precaution as we would take cutting dry wood. We must wear our PPE, Gloves, Glasses, and mask. Chainsaws running on fuel will be workable for any condition, wet or dry.

However, if you are working in a damp environment such as a rainforest, you must avoid saws that use electric cables for power. Electricity and water combination is not so safe. If you are using saws that run on a battery, then you can work in any condition.

Cutting wet wood in 7 easy steps:

1. Protective gear:

You have to wear your protective gear. Look if your chainsaw is well lubricated and blades are sharp, then start your chainsaw placing it on the ground. If you are using a diesel-powered chainsaw, you must start it on the floor.   

2. Clear working space:

Look for people around you. No one must be within the range of 5 meters. Fragments and sawdust can harm them. So, it would help if you cleared your working area.

3. Avoid kickbacks:

Kickback is when the saw hits the log first; instead of cutting, it jumps back at you. To avoid that, please cut with the middle part of the chain saw. The tip of the chainsaw must not come in contact with anything.

4. Hold the chainsaw on your side:

You must not stay in the line of the blade. In that way, if kickback occurs you the blade can’t hit you.

5. Avoid slippery area:

As you’re cutting wet wood, avoid a slippery area. If you slipped with the chainsaw running, it could do a tremendous amount of damage. Always work where the base is dry and firm.

6. Place the blade horizontally:

If you are cutting logs, you must put the logs horizontally. Place the blade horizontally with the ground. Apply firm pressure and move the blade down. It will be a clean cut.

7. Cut in 90 degrees:

If you are cutting trees and branches, place the blade 90 degrees with the cutting object. Apply firm pressure and it will cut cleanly. The steps are given above both apply for dry wood and wet wood. You have to follow them on both conditions.


Can a chainsaw cut in the water?

No, you must not cut anything with a chainsaw in water. If you submerged the chainsaw in water, water will get into the engine or motor and damage your chainsaw.

Can chainsaw run in wet or rainy conditions?

Yes, you can run a chainsaw in rain or wet condition. No harm will be done to your chainsaw. You will be fine.

Does cutting wet wood dull a chainsaw?

Cutting wet wood will not dull your chainsaw faster than cutting dry wood. But you may have to clean the blade much often as wet sawdust tends to stick with your blade.

Is it better to split wood wet or dry?

Many people prefer wet wood to split because it makes it faster to dry the wood. So I will prefer to split wet wood if you are splitting it for fire. It will dry faster. But splitting both dry and wet wood is quite the same.

Can you cut wet trees?

Yes, you can definitely cut wet trees with your chainsaw. The dew drops, raindrops will not harm your chainsaw. But it would be best if you avoid a slippery area.

Final Note:

At last, I want to say that be confident at your work. Just try to follow the steps above, and you will do OK.

If you are very new to an operating chainsaw, you can first follow an expert. Experts’ presence will help you avoid accidents. I hope I am able to help you with this article. Have fun and have a good day.

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