How Much is a Cord of Wood Cost? Find Out!

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Wood is one of our daily necessities and is used to produce energy, fuel production, transfer to paper. It has many qualities that I can’t tell you in short.

The cost of wood varies in different things such as woods quality and the season when you want to purchase wood. You have a question about how much is a cord of wood costs, to solve this problem I find out the cost details and the other details you need with this question answer.


Measurement of cord

In different countries, people measure the cord differently. In the United States and Canada, we calculate one cord (cord) = 16.00 square feet. This unit is symbolic as a CD-fit. This is the US measure of stacked firewood which means the amount of wood it collects.

The cord of wood means one cord of wood. This measurement unit is so much popular in the United States. According to the measurements of Canada and the USA, the measurement of a stack of wood is 4ft high, 8 ft long, and the length is 16inch.

1 cord (cord) = 16.00 square feet (ft2, sq. ft)

Cost of a cord of wood

Basically, it varies in which country you live in. Price can be different from one country to another countries and also varies in different oceans and seasons. In the summer season, we can expect to pay around 120$ to 180$ per cordwood.

But in the winter season, we can expect to pay as high as 220$ to 400$ per cord. People have much demand in the winter season because of the cold.

Where to Buy wood?

First of all, you have to search or look at your local area shops or markets. You have to find out a wood cutting mill. Here you get a large amount of quality wood at a cheap rate.

If you failed, you could go on Google Maps, where you can search “wood cutting mill near you.” This will show you many places or sites where you can purchase a cord of wood. You can visit these websites such as craigslist, the freecycle network, etc.

In that case, there is a useful marketplace on Facebook where you can post your need. If anybody sells wood for his business, he can Contact you. Or if anybody has extra wood, he also can contact you, and you can buy wood from them.

You can ask your neighbors; they might give you some information about where you can get wood or, in case if you got lucky that your neighbor had extra wood, you can borrow or can buy from them.

How much firewood need for Winter

The cost also depends on how much wood you use. The more firewood you use, the more wood you need, and the cost will increase. Other things also depend on it.

Space of your house

It’s a common thing that If you have a large space house, you may need a large amount of firewood, and if you have a less space house, you may need a smaller amount of firewood. I find that three cords of wood are needed for 1000 square foot home in the Winter season in research.

Depends on the usage of firewood

Yes, it can indeed depend on the usage of firewood. If you use firewood when it is needed, it will take less wood, or if you use firewood maximum time of the day, you would need more wood.

Where you are firing

These two stoves are mainly used by people’s wood stoves, pellet stoves. But pellet stoves are getting much popularity nowadays.

Both shorts of stoves produce comfortable dry radiant heat. But in the wood heat stove, you will get more heat and stability. But for that, you have to use a large amount of wood.

On the other hand, the pellet stove is smaller than the wood heat stove, and the power efficiency is really good in this. It uses fewer woods and provides heat for longer.

Quality of the wood

Quality is also the main factor in how much wood you need for a season. High quality or high category of wood can produce more power using less wood. A high-quality wood can heat 200 to 250 gallons of fuel oil. Example: white ash, white oak, red oak, etc.

How can do business

In a nutshell, the business of firewood is very profitable. It is the easiest way of earning a lot of money. No hard work is needed.

In western countries, almost all the year mainly remains Winter. During Winter, the demand for cords of wood increases a lot. It is possible to sell per cord in Winter from $200 to $400 and in other seasons 170$ to 230$.

Usually, the leftover woods are processed to make firewood. The easy buyers are the neighbors. It is not hard to sell the woods to them.

Best wood for firewood or business  

Every type of dry wood can be useful for firewood. But there is a variety of wood that is best for firewood. There are three categories of the wood basis on the heat they create per cord of wood.

The first category of wood heats 200 to 250 gallons of fuel oil. Here are some

  • White ash
  • White oak
  • Ironwood
  • Red oak
  • Apple

The second category of wood heats 150 to 200 gallons of fuel oil. Here are some

  • Elm
  • Maple
  • White birch
  • Cherry
  • Tamarack

The third category of wood heats 100 to 150 gallons of fuel oil. Here are some

  • Red cedar
  • Red alder
  • Hemlock
  • Lodgepole Pine
  • White pine
  • Redwood
  • Sitka


A number of people in the united states who are directly or indirectly involved in this business nowadays. Those who buy and sell want to know the costs of a cord of wood for their profits.

Because of these people’s questions and needs, I wrote this article. I hope you get helped by reading this article.

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