Automotive Checking Fixture Control | Part-On Fabrications | 0121 439 7152

Automotive Checking Fixture Control

12 November 2019

Fabrication-news, Product Reviews

| Automotive Checking Fixture Control |


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As shown in the video, which was taken in the customer premises, we have completed our project for our OEM (original equipment manufacturer) customer. The automotive checking fixture control works by the operator placing the gasket into the machined block, the gasket is then detected by the fixture. The part is then placed onto the gasket by means of location and the machine fixture part is detected by the sensor, and the operator manually clamps the part. The pneumatic cylinder is then activated to lock and secure the clamp. The part is then fully checked, and the green / red light will flag to indicate if the part is “good” or “bad”.


Green = “Good”, clamp is released.


Red = “Bad”, clamp is locked.


When the light flags red to detect a “bad” item the supervisor needs to override and unlock the controller. The Part-On Controller is programmed to batch count and allow administration.


The Automotive Checking Fixture Controller promotes lean production by reducing operator error and improving customer delivery efficiencies by detecting “good” / “bad” products.




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