A Special Thanksgiving Message from President & CEO Brad Mountz – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

Thanksgiving 2014

With Thanksgiving just around the corner the Mountz team is coordinating its philanthropic programs for the holiday season.  Our PEOPLE objective at Mountz includes our community, especially those in need.  The holiday may be one of the most stressful times for the disenfranchised and our effort to assist those in need is part of our Customer Satisfaction culture, and our genuine desire to help people.

While Thanksgiving in the United States may have originated around the philosophy of the “Mayflower Compact”, a pact to serve as a basis for governing the new colony, it was clearly designated as a day to give thanks or to be thankful. I love November and Thanksgiving, because it allows me to refocus my attention outward, a practice I often fail at throughout the year.

To be thankful is something we must practice. It may sound odd, but I find that to be thankful takes a lot of work even though I had plenty of early training from my parents. “Please” and “Thank you” are profound words in our culture that we learn as children to ensure awareness and acknowledgement of kind gestures and polite behavior. Oddly enough, it seems like we are losing touch with these magic words as our society slowly becomes more casual. As a response to thank you it is possible to hear, “no problem”, “got it”, “you bet” or “enjoy” rather than the more formal “you are welcome” – the partner of please and thank you.

At Mountz “please”, “thank you” and “you are welcome” is a vital part of our customer satisfaction training.   To eliminate casual language in our customer responses is not easy, even for those with great skill and awareness.   We do not want our customers to think their requests are a problem for us. We want each customer to know it is an honor and a pleasure to serve him or her. Mostly, we want our customers to know how Thankful we are for their patronage of Mountz. As we reflect on that point, we must know that without satisfied customers, we have nothing.

Mountz People know we are fortunate and that we have a lot to be thankful for despite the ups and downs of everyday life.  Mountz will have its 50th anniversary in 2015, a half-century of highlights, learning and challenges that have given us great blessings. We owe a debt of gratitude and thanks to all current and past employees, to our customers who continue to challenge us to be better, to our vendors and even to our competitors who keep us on our toes.

Our purpose at Mountz is to Make The World Safer Through Accuracy and Precision. We are blessed to wake up everyday with a purpose that is exciting and fulfilling that has allowed us to share our good fortune with others.

Thank you for making that possible.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Brad Mountz
President & CEO

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