Woodworking Videos Of Master Craftsman In Japan: Japanese Woodworking

YouTube is amazing. There are thousands of creative people sharing and learning from one another online. It’s shocking when you realize that YouTube has only been around for five years. As I find interesting YouTube channels and woodworking videos I will share them here so that others might be inspired on their creative journey as well.

This is a remarkable time to be a craftsman. The opportunities for inspiration and education have never been so accessible.

It’s truly a revolution that people from all over the world are presenting a wide variety of interesting and unique skills, absolutely free for anyone to watch online.

Today’s featured YouTube channel Rakuou001 is from Japan. I have returned to watch this collection of woodworking videos time and time again. The work produced in this small shop is as good as any I have ever seen. I really like the simplicity of their sparse and elegant designs. Watching how they flawlessly execute their traditional Japanese woodworking joinery inspires me to continue to learn and become a more skilled woodworker.

JAPANESE WOODWORKING: Carefully crafted wood components for fine Japanese furniture.

The multiple generations of men and women working in these woodworking videos are obviously highly skilled. They do precision work with hand tools but also use high performance power tools to move the process along. I can only imagine the amount of Japanese woodworking knowledge and information that has been passed down through the generations in this small workshop. Below are three selected videos from their channel. Watch a dozen more videos on Japanese woodworking  on Rauou001’s YouTube page. I have watched all of the videos, some several times, and found them all fascinating. Please let me know what you think of these woodworking videos. And if you discover other interesting woodworking videos, please share a link in the comments below if you like. I’d be interested in seeing what you have found.

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