What is an External Spring, Lever & Weight Single Disc Check Valve

Check valve animation
Single disk check valve animation.

According to Wikipedia, “Check valves are used in many fluid systems such as those in chemical and power plants, and in many other industrial processes.”

Check valve symbol
Check valve symbol

As shown in the animation to the left, the single disc (swing) check valve use the directional flow to push open a swinging disk. As long as flow continues, the disk stays raised. But as flow stops, gravity allows the disk to re-seat itself and any reverse flow is prevented by the closed disk. As reverse flow pressure increases, the swing check valves seating increases as well.

Single disc check valves also use springs, levers and/or weights mounted on the valve to allow for better control of surge and to prevent the valve from slamming closed. These assemblies are used to vary the valve’s closing operation in order to reduce the severity of the closing water hammer.

spring, level and weight assisted check valve
External spring, external spring & lever, and external spring, level & weight designs (left to right).
Courtesy of Champion Valve.

For more information on any industrial check valve, contact Piping Specialties, Inc. by visiting https://psi-team.com or calling 800-223-1468.

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