Active Safety with Motorized Fire and Smoke Dampers

Ensuring the safety of human life and property in buildings is one of the toughest demands that planners, builders, owners, and operators are called upon to face. Smoke-related injuries and deaths outnumber fire-related injuries and fatalities four to one. This is a rising concern for the safety of people and firefighters who need to travel through building emergency exit routes as quickly as possible.

Tactical methods for smoke control are: fans, smoke vents, and closed doors in combination with dampers. Strategy varies with each situation.

  • Warehouses employ smoke vents to release smoke to the outside. NFPA 204M allows fans in the roof with louvers and dampers in the side walls to control the smoke.
  • Stairwell pressurization systems combine fans and dampers to prevent smoke from entering the stairwell from a burning floor.
  • Building HVAC ducting systems use motorized fire and smoke dampers to seal off individual zones. Dampers which are actuated electrically can be controlled from a central point and be integrated into safety control systems allowing a relatively smoke-free exit for occupants and entrance of firefighters.

Fire and smoke dampers are an integral part of distribution systems and are critical links in the life safety systems associated with most buildings. They offer extra protection against the dangerous amounts of low-temperature smoke often produced before a fire actually breaks out. Restricting fires to the area of origin not only helps stop fire spread but has been proven to allow sprinklers to operate efficiently, and helps to ensure the safety of human life.


Attend this upcoming webinar. Larry Felker, Product Manager for Fire and Smoke Damper Actuators will help you understand further how the new FSAF A series fire and smoke damper actuators are an integral part of distribution systems and are critical links in the life safety systems associated with buildings.


Fire & Smoke Product Release and Essential Retrofit ApplicationsLarry_Felker.jpg

In this webinar, you will learn why the new Belimo FSAF A Series of Fire & Smoke actuators are the perfect retrofit solution. The discussion will provide information on key applications and about the optimized functionality that provides maximum safety. A question and answer session to follow.

Join Us on Wednesday, March 23 at 1:00 EST


For further information on fire and smoke damper actuators, visit our online resource or contact us via email.

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