Radio Podcast Interview with Bryce Campbell | Bryce Fastener | Blog

Fully Threaded Radio Podcast Interview with Bryce Campbell and Fasteners Clearing House Info

Sep 19, 2019

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Eric Dudas operates a sourcing network for the fastener industry called, Fasteners Clearing House. FCH is for those who buy and sell industrial, commercial, and mil-spec fasteners. With over 1,500,000 line items in their database from hundreds of distributors across North America, FCH is the largest network of its kind. In addition to their sourcing network, Eric hosts an industry wide podcast called, Fully Threaded Radio. They had me, (Bryce) on one of their segments last month. We had a great time talking about our security screws, T-Rex, and the fabric of reality. Below are some clips from the podcast. 

If you’re a buyer or seller of fasteners, I highly recommend you check out the Fasteners Clearing House website.

To hear the Full Hexativity episode, click HERE.


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