Why Great Customer Service is Important in B2B

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  • Huyett Marketing Department
  • 09/09/2021
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In today’s fast‑paced world, it may seem that great customer service is dead. There is increased focus on pushing the customer through the sales funnel as quickly as possible to the point that customer service and experience suffers. All too often, call centers and customer service teams place more emphasis on meeting KPIs, acquiring new customers, and trying to make a sale than focusing on the customer’s needs or customer retention.

Why is Great Customer Service Important?

Great customer service creates a favorable customer experience, eliminating purchase friction and establishing trust with customers. Companies that offer great customer service are more likely to create long lasting relationships with customers, as well as attract new customers. Given the value customers place on customer service in the modern shopping journey, great customer service can be every bit as important as the products and services sold. All too often, customers stop doing business with a company due to poor customer service because the companies are difficult to work with or the customer loses trust in the company’s ability to satisfy a need.

What are Elements of Great Customer Service?

There are plenty of ingredients for creating great customer service, but we will focus on five of the most critical below:
  1. Training

    A trained sales staff is the foundation of great customer service. It sets the tone for how sales agents interact with customers. It also ensures that the team acts as one voice and delivers a consistent customer service experience regardless of who speaks with the customer.
  2. Quick Response

    Time matters. Customers have projects to complete and deadlines to meet. When customers reach out to a business with questions or needs, they may not have much time to wait for a response. The longer it takes a customer to receive a response from a company, the more likely they are to take their business elsewhere.
  3. Fix Mistakes

    No process is free from error. When mistakes surface, it’s important for companies to let their customers know they care about the problem, understand the issue, take responsibility, and provide a timely resolution that meets the customer’s expectation. Stepping up to fix an issue creates an opportunity to strengthen a relationship with customers.
  4. Listen to the Customer

    There is more to listening to a customer than simply hearing what they are saying. Effectively listening to a customer includes:

    • Letting the customer speak
    • Being patient
    • Engaging customers on their preferred channel
    • Active listening
    • Focusing on the person, as well as the problem
    • Engaged body language
  5. Follow Through

    Follow through is critical. Few things are more frustrating to a customer than having a business promise them something only to not deliver. Deivering on promises establishes trust with customers and builds a reputation for being reliable.

How Do You Retain Customers?

Companies are able to retain customers through consistent and reliable execution against the needs and expectations of its customers. Great customer service is a key ingredient used to meet customer expectations, but it is not all that matters. Here are a few additional ingredients to help serve up success for you and your customers.
  • Be Trustworthy

    Customers who trust a business are more likely to continue doing business with that company. Do what you say, when you say it will be done, and your customers will have no doubt where to turn the next time they have a need for your products or services.
  • Add Value to Their Business

    Beyond the mere transaction, customers appreciate a company that simplifies the buying experience and remains flexible to how they conduct business. Find ways to remove purchase friction and act as a partner to explore ways you can better align your business processes with the needs of your customer.
  • Communicate

    Communication does not stop after a phone call or meeting ends. Continuous follow up ensures the customer is up to date with their order status, new product releases, and anything else the customer finds valuable. Stay in touch and encourage interaction, especially if the customer shares a sense of urgency.

How Huyett Helps

Getting the assistance you need to grow your business should not be a hassle. Take advantage of live phone support complimented with a regional sales team for personal support that adapts to your needs. We provide fast quoting, unparalleled quality standards, and dependability you can trust.
If you have questions about our services and capabilities, we’d love to chat!
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