Style Q&A with Victoria Ford | Blog | Nostalgic Warehouse

Victoria Ford

Victoria Ford has a beautiful blog called the Prepford Wife, where she details her home decor, style, travel, and lifestyle details. She created the blog to talk about life and lifestyle all through the lens of her classic style. As a snarky play on the words “preppy” and “Stepford wife,” readers of the Prepford Wife will see a wonderful mix of pretty style and preppy, traditional home decor ideas. In her newest home remodel, she installed Nostalgic Warehouse door hardware to amp up the classy details. As a special bonus, her home is also featured in a few issues of Country Living. Let’s learn more about Victoria and see some beautiful photos of her home.

Prepford Wife Hallway with Brass Hardware
Prepford Wife Bedroom Closet and Door Hardware

What is your design style, and how do you incorporate those decorating decisions within your home?

I like to think of my design style as “Classic with a wink.” We tend to be more traditional and timeless but always with a pop of something fun and unexpected.

Where do you find design inspiration?

A hoard of images! My signature move is to snap a pic in public of anything that feels like it could lead to good design.

Prepford Wife Front Door with Brass Hardware

When starting a design project, how do you organize and plan for it?

PowerPoint decks! PowerPoint is highly underrated when it comes to design for me. I have a deck that includes every single room in our house. Within that deck, I have a few notes about changes we need to make for the sake of functionality. Then as I find more and more inspiration images, I include those on a separate slide. Once I have enough images to act, I start a slide that includes final product selection and a board that includes where my final product selection is in the shipping process (e.g., Have I ordered? Is it on the way? Has it been received?)

Did you do a remodel on your entire home? If so, were there specific rooms that were more challenging than others? Why?

Yes, we’ve been working with Country Living Magazine to renovate our house top to bottom. The most challenging room for me is always the bedroom where my husband and I sleep. Bathrooms and guest bedrooms are easy since I look at so much inspiration for those. But for our room, I always want it to feel restful and personal but also interesting

How did you choose the hardware featured in this project? What attracted you to Nostalgic Warehouse?

The New York Collection is my favorite of the Nostalgic Warehouse collections. I enjoyed using it in our last home, so it was a no-brainer to use it again. It’s so classic and timeless while still fitting the style of our home. We’ll use this hardware throughout our home to tie it all together and create unity between spaces.

Prepford Wife closet doors with Nostalgic door hardware

Many people want to take on large remodeling projects. How do you go about choosing a house to buy and renovate?

We know what we can and cannot handle. For us, if a home needs aesthetic updates, it’s a viable option. If it needs foundation work or has significant issues, we tend to pass. For the most part, you can find many potential problems during the inspection. If you feel comfortable taking on what comes back from a completed inspection, go for it!

What are some tips for readers who want to take on anything from an extensive remodel to a small transformation?

Figure out what you genuinely don’t like. I think much of the time, when people are looking at a project that needs work, they aren’t able to analyze what bothers them about the space. But if you can catalog what needs changes, then you can systematically tackle them. Create a game plan for what you want to change and start with the lowest hanging fruit. The easiest and most impactful things that can be updated are hardware, light fixtures, paint, and rugs. They make a world of difference.

Thank you to Victoria for sharing your beautiful home with us!

Prepford Wife bedroom with Nostalgic door hardware

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