A Complete Guide to Tamper Proof Screws

Tamper proof screws are anti-theft and anti-vandalism fasteners which are designed to be difficult to remove.

Available in a wide range of forms and styles, all intended to provide different advantages to the applications they are installed in.

If you’re in the market for tamper proof or tamper resistant screws, bolts or nuts, you need knowledge about what devices are best for your application.

What’s the difference between Tamper Resistant and Tamper Proof Screws?

There’s a common misconception that tamper resistant screws and tamper proof screws are the same thing, however, this is not the case. Tamper resistant screws are relatively difficult to remove, whereas tamper-proof is nigh on impossible without the right tool.

Resistant, implies and dictates that the fastener is designed to be installed and removed with a special tool made specifically for that range of fasteners, stopping Joe Bloggs from picking up his ordinary tools and loosening the screw.

Tamper resistant screws are there to ensure that violating security is challenging, thwarting any opportunistic attacks but offering very little protection in regards to someone deliberately going to violate with intent. Tamper Proof requires an astonishingly unique tool or bit to remove them, nevermind loosen them.

There’s also the amount of effort required to try and remove these – and both are relatively good in this area – stopping vandals due to the effort required to remove.

Where might you find a Tamper Proof Screw?

Both tamper proof and tamper resistant screws are needed across a wide range of industries. Some industries may use tamper resistant screws to deter opportunistic vandalism, whereas others have tighter security requirements and require better security at a higher expense. In some cases, these screws are used for those concerned about restricting loss and discouraging thefts, stopping unlawful entry, and protection of assets.

Tamper proof fasteners, however, could be recognised as far more important. Industries use these to stop users from performing their own insufficient maintenance, and in highly advanced situations where people’s lives may be at stake.

Industries where they may be found:

  • Aerospace

Tamper proof screws can be installed on rockets, jet fighters and more – allowing the only access to them to be by high skilled workers – therefore helping to protect the lives of those using these vehicles.

  • Automotive

Some tamper proof screws can be found within the engines and transmissions of cars and lorries, to ensure that untrained mechanics can’t make changes – as well as this, they can, at times, be found in seatbelts and airbag controls.

  • Military

Across the Royal Air Force, Army and Royal Navy, equipment will use tamper proof screws to prevent vandalism and sabotage.

  • Retail

Shops and store-fronts are prime candidates for theft in the modern day – and these tamper proof screws can stop expensive goods being damaged or stolen, as well as protecting public safety within the shop.

  • Public Safety

Cities and local councils use these screws to protect property in public places, and also to ensure the safety of the general public.

  • Education

University campuses will use tamper proof screws to discourage theft, vandalism and inappropriate usage of desks, furniture and electronics form both students and thieves. In Primary and Secondary schools, these screws prevent children from causing destruction through their curiosity or mischievousness.

  • Medical

Regularly found on medical equipment and on the property, these tamper proof fasteners ensure that the equipment is safe and continues to function as not to risk the health of patients.

Choosing the Right Tamper Proof Screws

In the above industries, there are so many different uses for tamper proof fasteners, but the main use of these fasteners is to stop people from attempting to remove them.

Users should, however, ensure that they choose the right tamper proof screw – and this is dependent on what you’re plotting on using it for and where you intend to place it. As well as this, there are a number of lengths and thread sizes available, all of which would be useful in varying applications.

You should take into account the security level that the application requires, whether they are intended to be removed in the future, the strength level required and any finishing touches to the appearance of the fastener. The removal information is the most important, as strength is a deciding factor but not as important as removal possibilities. The appearance is a personal touch regarding aesthetical pleasing or how visible you want them to be.

Tamper Proof Screws available from Fastenright

We have a wide range of tamper proof screws available in a range of sizes from Fastenright, all available with a number of head styles also.

View our range of tamper proof screws here.

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