Coast A5 LED Flashlight

Hardware Show

Coast A5 Flashlight Review

I received this flashlight at the Coast booth in Las Vegas at the Hardware Show this year. My first thought was, “how cute…it’s like a flashlight, only smaller”. Looks can certainly be deceiving! This light packs a true wallop. I know, only 26 lumens…whatever. It’s the perfect light to keep in your pocket – it’s that small. It comes with a clip to do just that.

Coast A5

OK, minor complaint – the clip was difficult for me to get around the barrel of the light and I ended up leaving a tiny scratch on it’s brushed surface. What can I say, I like things to stay as pristine as possible for as long as possible. Maybe I’m just a clip-fastening rookie, but it seemed like an awfully tight fit.

Coast A5

That being said, when you depress the switch, the A5 projects a focused, sharp beam that’s usable for quite a distance. In the hallway of the convention center, I was hitting a wall probably 20 feet away with all 26 lumens.

The sharp beam has become a trademark of sorts for Coast. They’ve done a great job creating flashlights (at least the ones I’ve seen) that are sturdy, comfortable to hold, and have extremely well-defined beams.

Coast A5

Coast A5 Features

Coast claims the LED light is unbreakable. I haven’t tried beating it to death yet, so I’ll reserve opinion. It does feel solid, however.

They also note that it’s water-resistant. They don’t recommend swimming with this one, but it should survive a tire-change by the side of the road in the rain, I’d think.

In all, this is a great little flashlight to carry around, especially if you do inspection or computer repair. The compact size and bright LED output at close range are perfect in those applications. It runs for over 7 hours on a single AAA battery, so it’s “green”, in a matter of speaking.

It works GREAT with the B-Lit Holder, another find from the Hardware Show.

Coast A5

Check price/availability at Amazon: CLICK HERE

For more information from Coast: CLICK HERE


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