How to be sure you don’t have a counterfeit DPA 5 product

Apex Tool Company is an authorized distributor of DG Technologies DPA 5 product line so if you purchase from us, you can rest assured that your product is authentic.

However, there have been folks looking to save a few dollars on their DPA 5 purchase by buying them from overseas sellers. Sadly, you are almost guaranteeing yourself a counterfeit product if you don’t buy from an authorized distributor.

Did you know that some of the counterfeit DPA 5 units have CD’s that will install a trojan virus onto your computer? There are a key things to check for on your DPA 5 that will clue you in to your unit’s authenticity. Be sure to check out the attached .pdf file for all the visual and physical differences between and authentic and counterfeit unit.

Have any questions? Call Apex Tool Company at 1-800-365-2233.

Download the DG Technologies counterfeit information guide here: DG Technologies DPA5 Counterfeit Info Sheet

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